Monday, June 21, 2010

Day 69: A Long, Naked Day

I was awake and up before the sun today. The longest day of the year and I was up at 5am. I couldn't believe it, but after a pop tart and a pack up, I was walking by 6am. It felt great to be out at that time. Little Foot, Powder, Russell and I walked together for a few miles as the sun came up. We saw a bear, too, running away, but he stopped to see what we were all about.

The three of us walked under I-66 at the peak of rush hour. Monday morning. We were all glad to be walking to Maine and not commuting to work. We made it to the next shelter by 8am, and we stopped to have more breakfast. Superman came in, and we all chatted about the glorious day before packing up to get back on the trail. Powder and Russell left. Then I did a few minutes later. I wasn't sure how far back Little Foot and Superman would be.

So, the thing about today is that it is the summer solstice. And in the hiking world, the day of the summer solstice is International Hike Naked Day. Ahhhhh, now the title of this blog entry makes sense.

Well, it's not "Hike Naked ALL Day" day or "Be Seen Hiking Naked" day, so I thought I'd give it a go IF the circumstances allowed for it. After Powder left the shelter, I saw my chance. I walked for a bit not knowing if any southbounders would be flying my way, or if Little Foot would be right behind. I kept saying to myself "ok, after THIS tree just go for it!" I was smiling with anticipation, and unsure if I'd actually go for it, but I did NOT want to be caught.

Finally, I threw down my pack, whipped it all off, threw the pack back on and hiked! Ha! I told myself to go at least 100 paces... But then I managed about 100 yards. Then 200... Then I freaked out and put everything back on. And I didn't get caught!! (as far as I know). No photos for proof, just a very nice rush of adrenaline pre-10am. And just like the James River jump, I was once again proud of myself for participating in an honored AT tradition.

So, onwards...

I caught up with Powder at a stream, and we both snacked more and I soaked my feet. It was getting hot already and would be VERY hot by noon. Back to hiking at our different paces. We didn't know when Xan and Neutron left, but we hadn't seen them since we departed at 6am. We were going to try to get in 25 miles today and then another 25 tomorrow to try to make it to Little Foot's house by Tuesday/tomorrow night. USA soccer game at 9:30 Wednesday morning!

I walked on until I got to a shelter about 15 miles from our start. I snacked until Superman arrived, then we chatted as Little Foot and Powder rolled in. We hung there for a while, but it was during the heat of the day (2-5pm), and it was quite sweaty out there, so we didn't feel bad about taking a few hours off. Finally we took off to conquer some of the "roller coaster," which is 13.5 miles of 10 rolling hills. It's a bit of a struggle to get through it.

Little Foot had planned to do it naked. So, I "blocked" for him. Leading off with a 150-200 yard head start, I started climbing up the first mountain and Little Foot dropped his shorts. My head remained front-facing, and I was completely gentlewomanly by avoiding looking back... though there was a fair distance between us. I was just there to make sure no southbounders caught him in the act and to make a bird call if I came across anyone.

After two huge mountains and no breeze, I was sweating like a fool, and Little Foot was still naked (according to him). I started pulling my sun visor waaaay down on switchbacks as to avoid any periferal sightings, and until we came across Alpine and her mom camping, it worked brilliantly! I gave a bird call, and Little Foot re-robed for the rest of the day, and the two of us struggled with the next four mountains. We were tired after a long day and hurty from so many miles, but we made it to the shelter in one piece.

We still hadn't seen Xan and Neutron, but we assumed they must've been behind us. Powder and Russell came in with Xan about 30 minutes after we got there, and Neutron came in just minutes after that. It would just be the five of us.

Dinner, jokes, clean up and now time for bed. Another huge 25+ mile day tomorrow, and I doubt I will be as excited to wake up as early as I did this morning... We'll see.

-- Posted from the trail...

Location:Sam Moore Shelter

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