Friday, May 7, 2010

Day 24: Hiking, DC Style

Adam and Robert got here bright and early at 6:56am. I had just rolled out of bed and rolled outside to say hi. They looked all ready to go with fresh McDonalds in hand! I had to organize myself and the food box my mom sent with them, and I had to scarf down a few brownies she sent too. Delicious breakfast!! (thanks so much mom - best brownies ever!)

Before I knew it, we were off and hiking. And it was nice and flat - very beautiful to start out the day, and easy for the newcomers. We stopped for a snack here and there and had a few hot hours walking in the sun. A large section seemed to have been recently burned in a fire, so there was little canopy overhead. Hot sun. We took a long lunch break at the next water source and then took off on the 1000 foot climb up Unaka Mountain. Brutal, but overwith. At the top, tho, there were glorious and beautiful spruce trees and amazingly satisfying shade. We re-grouped and headed back downhill. Adam and I saw a snake on the way.

Finally made it to the shelter around 5pm and chilled out. Roadrunner was there and we chatted with him. Got water and made dinner while a few other hikers rolled in. After dinner and clean-up, Xan and Brian showed up! All my boys together now!!

We all hung out while they organized and cooked, and Adam and Roadrunner were the first ones down. Robert (temporary trail name: PJ) was down next, and i'm still blogging while Xan and Brian finish up. They plan to do 20 miles tomorrow, but we plan to do 15 to get up to the highest shelter on the trail at Roan Mountain. Should be lots of climbing, but pretty.

Off to join the snorers...


-- Posted from the trail...

Location:Cherry Gap Shelter

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