Sunday, April 25, 2010

Day 12: Random Thoughts

Deodorant... Those scientists who have worked out the chemical formula for this brilliant toiletry item are amazing. During my "shake down" at Neel Gap, I sent home my travel size deoderant. And I miss it. And I am facsinated by the smell that is coming from my arm pit area these days. Of all my years of wearing deordorant, or even missing a day, I have never smelled such a scent from my own pits. It's crazy! And it just blows my mind how much the stuff helps defend against odor. (I may have to get another travel sized Lady Speed Stick at the next town)

PB... So, if I eat peanut butter by the spoonful without anything else, what does it look like in my stomach? Does it glob back up into one big clump? Or does it stay in individual clumps?

Ears popping... I've never experienced this walking down a mountain before. I guess we're descending at a rapid enough pace to cause an ear pop... Weird.

Eye dirt... This one's for the ladies. You know how your eye makeup settles in your "fine lines" under your lower lashes? And you have to make that funny, long, stretched-out mouth face to clear out that area...? Well I get that too, but since I haven't worn makeup since my pre-Spinger days I get it with "fine dirt." It's gross.

Flying Bugs... How is it possible that a bug can attach itself to my leg and hold on when my legs are moving along at the lightning rate of just about 2 miles per hour (including breaks). Bugs are pretty sticky, but luckily not stinging yet.

No trail name yet.

Well, with the short day yesterday, we kicked arse today in great weather and pulled 22.2 miles. Lots of uphill and lots of down. Left at 8:15 and got to the Fontana Dam at 6:30. Looooong day... And a cool shelter - with showers!! And a bunch of people. Good vibe. Exhausted.

Great Smoky Mountains tomorrow. 4-5 days without phone and everything else...

NyQuil time!

-- Posted from the trail...

Location:Fontana Dam Shelter, NC


Anonymous said...

That was an hilarious update! I guess you aren't worried about TMI anymore. Must be the communal nature of the trail... "Speed Stick" that would be a great trail name for you! Tell that story around the shelter a few more times and see what happens. 50% chance of rain there today and 70% tomorrow before it clears up on Weds and Thurs. Good luck!


Chaos Gurl said...

Thought of you yesterday as Cam and I went on a vigorous hike up a the side of a mountain. Cam was wearing terrible shoes and had to use all fours in order to scramble up and for the most part of 3 hours I had no idea where we would end up as the cliff kept seeming to rise. It seemed like an unwise activity to do in my state as my body seemed to protest more than usual but it was beautiful when we reached the ascent and the feeling of accomplishment is like nothing else. This blog is so much fun to keep up with and definitely get some speed stick. I know being smelly is part of the package but you don't want a chafe there.

Skip said...

Carrie, just got around to catching up on your blog. Looked at trail ahead of you to see where we might be able to pick you up for an off trail. Somewhere around Stanley or Luray VA might work. Give us a call or send an email ( to discuss details. Skip & Liz