Monday, September 13, 2010

Day 153: Caratunk

I woke up feeling much better - almost 100%. I was so glad. (It is not fun being sick out here, and the giardia paranoia is scary.) The six of us ate breakfast and packed up by the river, then took off at slightly different times. We all only had four miles to go to the Kennebec River.

After two miles, it started to rain. At least it had held off until after we were packed up and walking. It was a very easy, lovely walk along a stream, but it was wet and increasingly slippery. No worries. We made it to the river where Hill Billy Dave canoed over to fetch us. The Kennebec River is about 100 yards wide, and the ATC funds HB Dave's ferry service to cut down on hikers trying to ford the sometimes dangerous river. He can only take two people in the canoe at a time, so Backwards and Stryder went first. Eight minutes later, Boss and I were signing the waiver, donning life preservers and hopping in. We paddled over and got out, and Dave went back for Uncas and Prophet. Thanks Hill Billy Dave!

Boss and I walked up to the road and found a soaking wet Stryder trying to hitch. Backwards had planned on skipping Caratunk, so he hiked on. It was cold, and we were wet. Hitching can be hard enough when a hiker is dry, but three wet hikers in the rain...? It could be tough.

Amazingly, the third car to drive by stopped. It was a little car and could only take one person, so Stryder got in. Boss and I were contemplating walking the two miles, but we held out. I couldn't believe it when an SUV pulled over before Uncas and Prophet got up to the road. Yvonne was from Texas, borrowing her cousin's car from Boston, and driving to a small town in Quebec where her grandfather was born - she was on a journey of her own! The car was SO nice and warm, and we were delighted to get a dry ride to the Northern Outdoors Center. Thanks Yvonne!

There was a fire going when we got to the center, and the place seemed great. Red Hat was there, so we said a quick hello before running up to get a warm shower. One long, hot shower later, I was happy and dry, and ready for lunch. We had to wait until noon, so i threw laundry in. Once the clock struck 12:11pm, we (Red Hat, Boss, Uncas, Prophet and I) piled into a table and ordered a feast. Nachos, burgers, chili, beers that were brewed in the basement. Good stuff.

The rest of the afternoon was similar to the laziness of Stratton. I think my body just needs it now. A complete break from all activity. It felt so good. Later on, I found Uncas in the hot tub and a few hikers near the fire. We chatted and sang to the jukebox songs until it was time to eat again. We ate dinner and had planned to stay up with a few more beers - maybe watch Monday night football? - but we were all exhausted by 8pm. Ha! With full bellies. We made it up to our beds and collapsed. We thru hikers sure can hike, but we can't much manage late nights anymore. I bet I'll be awake before the sun...

(4mi 2st)

-- Posted from the trail...

Location:Northern Outdoors, Caratunk, Maine

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Where the HELL is Scatters??

Thinking of you guys. Get it done!

Just found out I tested positive for Lyme Disease.
