Monday, March 15, 2010

A knife on the trail...?

I'll be fine!! I choose to believe in the good of people while I travel, and so far, it has done me just fine. I'm not going to be stupid or appear to be an easy target - I've got street smarts and I trust my gut. Someone told me once that if you don't know how to properly use a knife as a weapon, you're basically giving your assailant a knife. Maybe I should learn how to properly handle a knife, but I prefer to choose to keep weapons off the trail...

(pause for reflection)

Though it may be a bit morbid to say, I have had a great life. A fantastic life! If something were to happen to me, let it be known that aside from birthing a child, I am very satisfied with this life of mine, and I want to continue to live as though every day is a good day to die. I had a wonderful childhood and still have an incredible family... I've pushed myself mentally and physically farther than I ever thought I could through educational and athletic challenges... I've fallen in love and had my heart broken... I've traveled [literally] around the world and have met amazing people on every continent (aside from Antarctica... Josi - fancy a trip soon?)... And I probably have the best friends anyone could ask for.

Life is good. The earth is beautiful. Go ahead and smile and say hello...

Happy Sappy Monday!!

1 comment:

AdamW said...

Amen! Well, to the reflection... not the dying.
I get the same thing from my family, telling me all the things that can go wrong.
It would be fun to whittle though.