Side Note: Who wants to come hiking with Stucco?!?!
So, One Life and I bounced back up the hill with no packs. Got back to the shelter, got water, divied up the food Erin and Mike left with us, and chatted a bit with J Bird before starring out again at 10:30.
Good hiking with a few hills. It wasn't as hot today, but it was still very humid. We stopped for snacks at one of the gaps and waved creatively at cars. Then we hiked more before getting to a picnic area for a late lunch. At this point we had both hiked NINE HUNDRED MILES!!! We talked a bit to a family and retired DC fireman Ron as it threatened rain and then sprinkled a bit. He gave us candy.
Back to hiking! Up down and around as One Life and I sang out our conversations to each other. It was all to the tune of that Kansas song "Carry on my Wayward Son," and we just changed the lyrics to suit the subject. It was very entertaining for us. May have been annoying if anyone else was walking with us...
After catching up with Patch and family, we finally came across the Lewis campsite through the thick fog, and we managed to find the camp store. We plugged our phones in and got a few snacks while chatting with Patch, Mamma Patch and Papa Patch. J Bird also caught up. After almost 50% charge, former thru hikers Peanut and Love Boat swung by. They'd been doing trail magic this week. We asked them a bunch of questions and also talked with Joe, the manager of the store. The weather was quite foggy and damp, so we were fine to hang out under cover while our phones charged and there was good company. Huge moth at the store!!
When the temperature started to drop a little, we wandered over to the Patch campsite to check out the fire. More chatting before One Life and I had to get going to make it to the next shelter before it started getting too dark. On our way out, Peanut and Love Boat shared produce with us!!! A banana, an apple, an AVOCADO, tomatos, spinach and snap peas. Joy of joys!!! Thanks guys!
We hiked the next mile singing loudly and came upon the Bearfence shelter around 8pm. J Bird, Tattoo, and Huffsaw had already finished dinner. We set up in the shelter, made food then blogged as the light left the sky. The lightning bugs have been so great the last two nights.
PS: I edited the mail drop page to include ETAs now.
-- Posted from the trail...
Location:Bearfence Shelter
1 comment:
got to the doc's today. all is good. just feeling like i'm hungover and brain is foggy. but doc said that normal. he took blood and urine to make sure kidneys are fine. Thank everyone again for their help. Tell "One Life" I owe him one (he is a good dude) and you were great as well. I blame it all on the heat not the guide.
Stay healthy-- be safe -- good luck
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