Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Day 43: Zero with the Ladies

Breakfast!!! Oh yeah to biscuits and eggs and bacon and fruit. I could've slept forever, but I knew what food would be waiting for us in the morning. Delish!

And a beautiful day to boot. Wendy brought her dogs over (adorable newfoundland, Dora, and a great dane/greyhound puppy, Baron) and we watched them romp around the yard a bit. Got a text from Still Steve that he had finished the trail - awesome!!!! He must be ready ready for a kick-arse holiday/celebration weekend... Wish we could join...

The boys helped Jeanne pump up her car tire and Wendy drove Achilles and Xan into Pearisburg to pick up a package at the post office (which was closed yesterday). I talked with Jeanne while Brian uploaded photos. When everyone was back, we headed out for lunch at Red Robin. Feasted and then headed over to Walmart. Good times there, as always.

Home to food organization hour. We had to figure out how many days of food we would need to get to our next stop and factor in The Homeplace in Catawba, which is widely known among hikers as the best all-you-can-eat meal on the trail. We look forward to it! And to seeing Jeanne and Wendy again in Daleville!!

For dinner, it was taco night. I concentrated on the guacamole while Jeanne and Wendy sliced and diced the toppings and cooked the meat and beans. I had snacked too too much before dinner and could only handle one over-stuffed taco. ONE!?!? I felt pathetic as an eater... But I knew I could redeem myself on dessert [as long as I could lie down for a few minutes first...]. We cleaned up and half-packed up and ate ice cream in front of Gladiator. It's amazing how back-to-normal a hiker can feel on a couch in front of the tv... I can't wait to get back out on the trail.... (but first: pancakes in the morning!!)

Glad I got the blog back up to speed!! Thanks again to all who read and all who comment!!! I really really appreciate it and hope to keep it coming...


-- Posted from the trail...

Location:Blacksburg, VA


Anonymous said...

can't wait to see you sometime!!! do you know when you cross over Interstate 70 or when you will be up towards wva or northernish MD? my bro said the trail crosses up there!amy

Big Supporter said...

I am following your great description of your trip. Why wouldn't I, as I am the grandfather of Xan. Keep the Blog going,We are looking forward to it every day here in Florida.

Unknown said...

This is great. I look forward to reading about the great Adventure. This is Xan's grandmother writing you. If you ever find yourself in Florida you have an open invitation to the Gerson home. We would love to meet you. Thanks for looking out for Xan.

I Live Inspired said...

Hey There,
On the Appalachian Trail and still sending post cards. Impressive as always. When do you think you will be running parallel to DC? It looks like there is a stretch that is not too far from us. There are talks to convoy down and hike a few days with you.

Keep up the good work.