Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Stats from the Trip

So, I've done a few calculations, and I've added and averaged a number of occurrences on my journey (... which may or may not confirm my dork status...). I was surprised by a few, but most seemed just about right.

Biggest mileage day: 30.6 (into Partnership Shelter)
Shortest mileage day: 1.9 (into Gorham, NH)
Average mileage, including zero days: 13.38
Average mileage, only hiking days: 15.69
Zero days: 24
20+ mileage days: 28
Most stumbles in a day: 29
Average stumbles on hiking days: 10.3
Average stumbles per mile: 1.5
Total showers: 57 + 2 outdoor showers
Showers on only the 139 hiking days (zero days almost always included a shower): 34 + 2 outdoor showers
Sponge baths: 18
Longest stretch without a shower: 7 days
Nights I slept in a bed: 42
Nights I slept in a bunk (no mattress): 11 + 2 tables
Nights I slept on a couch: 1
Nights I slept in a hotel (not the Ritz): 17
Nights I slept in a hostel: 14
Nights I slept in a home: 21 (thanks Jeanne, Wendy, the Byers/Footses, Abigail, Dana, Anita & Steve, the Wetzels, Renee & Tyler, Dan, Mom & Dad)
Nights I slept in a shelter: 30
Nights I slept in a tent: 74
Nights I slept in a hut: 4
Nights I "cowboy camped" (under the stars): 1

And that's about it! Also, I've FINALLY put a gear list together. The link is up in the top navigation...


Anonymous said...

I liked your facts list. Again, I enjoyed our brief time together and am so happy to see you finished strong. About being too dorky, there is hope. A true trail dork would have posted weights for each item and either bragged about how light, or how much. Maybe that's a guy thing, though.

Anonymous said...

I liked the fact list. Didn't like the use of slang names on your trip.

Anonymous said...

I have enjoyed following your adventure. I liked to see your location as well. So much after running into a copperhead on the AT in CT by myself, I thought would be wise to buy me one.

To a previous comment about a dislike about the use of slang names.....What! Those are trail names and is the charm of the trail....to disengage from the world and find your own character.

Thanks again....for the journey though the Internet.

thanks Martin...The Edge